Hormonal bliss
Female hormone dysfunction can significantly impact a woman’s overall health and well-being. In functional medicine, we aim to address the root cause of health issues rather than treat the symptoms. This approach can be particularly effective for addressing hormone imbalances and restoring overall health.
Several potential causes of female hormone dysfunction include hormonal imbalances, stress, and nutrient deficiencies. In functional medicine, we use a variety of strategies to address these underlying causes and restore hormone balance.
Hormones regulate the activity of cells and tissues in different body organs. Your body’s hormone production must be balanced to be healthy and feel good.
Throughout a woman’s life, different sex hormones, including oestrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, as well as other hormones like cortisol and DHEA, have a significant impact. So the first step in achieving hormone balance is understanding how your hormones work.
Estrogen promotes tissue growth and maintains its functionality, including developing breast and reproductive organs. In addition, it increases the synthesis and activity of neurotransmitters in the brain that influence cognitive processes, including learning and attention span, sleep, mood, memory, and libido.
Estrogen protects bone mass, lessens pain perception, and raises HDL, . Additionally, it maintains the skin’s suppleness and moisture content, widens blood vessels, and stops plaque from forming on blood vessel walls.
The ovaries, adrenals, and fat cells produce estradiol (the most potent form of estrogen). Most of the bodily organs’ functions are impacted by estradiol.
The least potent and active estrogen kind, which mainly acts during pregnancy.
The primary estrogen produced after menopause is primarily by fat cells.
The ovaries are the primary site of progesterone production. The brain cells, peripheral nerves, and adrenal glands produce less. The female reproductive system and breast growth are both reliant on progesterone. Progesterone attaches to specific receptors in the brain and has a relaxing, sedative effect. It enhances sleep and prevents seizures.
It improves the body’s sensitivity to insulin and how thyroid hormones work. By preventing the development of arterial plaque and decreasing triglyceride levels, it strengthens bones and positively affects the cardiovascular system. Additionally, progesterone can boost libido and help the body use fat as an energy source effectively.
Women’s ovaries and adrenal glands produce testosterone, which improves libido and sexual experience. It promotes bone and muscular growth, supports cognitive function, and is linked to assertive conduct and well-being. It also strengthens ligaments. Stamina and sound sleep are both influenced by testosterone levels. In addition, both men and women are protected from cardiovascular disease by it.
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) (DHEA)
The adrenal gland and ovaries are the primary producers of DHEA and the skin and brain to a lesser extent. The most prevalent circulating hormone is DHEA. It offers a defence against the negative consequences of inflammation and physical stress.
Additionally, DHEA can boost libido and sexual desire. It boosts immune system performance, raises feelings of well-being, increases motivation, and reduces discomfort.
DHEA improves memory, helps keep cholesterol levels within normal range, and promotes the rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep. In addition, through the liver, fat, muscle, and bone, DHEA can be transformed into oestrogen and testosterone.
The adrenal glands produce the hormone cortisol. It modulates the immunological response, promotes glucose synthesis, supports short-term memory, and aids in the body’s ability to cope with stress by raising blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration.
The cortisol level increases early in the morning to prepare to meet the day’s demands. Then, it gradually decreases throughout the day and reaches its lowest point late in the evening (a pattern known as “circadian rhythm”).
The precursor (building block) of all other steroid hormones is pregnenolone. Direct conversion occurs into progesterone or DHEA. DHEA can be converted into estrogens and testosterone. Progesterone can also be converted into estrogens, cortisol, and aldosterone.
This series of conversions is what allows for human life. Without pregnenolone, there can be no human steroid hormone production. Pregnenolone, a naturally occurring steroid hormone derived from cholesterol, is produced mainly by the adrenal glands but is also produced in lower amounts by various other body organs and tissues, including the liver, brain, skin, gonads, and even the retina of the eye. Pregnenolone levels decline with ageing.
Four factors of influence
Environment, Lifestyle, Mindset, Nutrition. All four factors, individually and collectively, produce the results of what manifests as health or illness. The environment can either lend a positive contribution or exert significant detriment. Lifestyle translates into quantifiable effects on health. Mindset produces a biological response as determined by your outlook and belief. Nutrition is the process of tuning and synchronising elements to become part of you. These are where the five causes of disease are manifested.
The process

Book a 15-min complimentary discovery call to prospective patients to ensure we are the right fit for you
In the call, we will discuss
- What you are going through
- How have you tried to address your health concerns in the past?
- A plan of action to prepare for your first appointment.

Book an Initial comprehensive case review (ICCR) 60-90min where we will discuss the following
In the call, we will discuss
- We’ll take a deep dive into your case, and I will get to know your unique history and understand your point.
- We’re going to do some thinking and linking. We will build a hypothesis of what’s going on in your case
- I’ll give you some concise and specific steps you can take immediately to start working
- I will tell you more about my approach and the method I use to help people
- Give you some options to work with me

Your personalised treatment
Recommendations are made in regards to your treatment, including alterations to your lifestyle, diet, supplementation and more, to provide an effective path to healing.
You are unique
Every person is unique with biochemical individuality and genetic uniqueness. Ones history and life are intimately connected and reflective of ones present situation. Genes do not act on their own and are instructed based on various influences

What is balance protocol?
Whole-systems wellness approach that enables you to understand how your unique biochemistry holds the keys to moving you to ultimate well-being.
A clinical method of applying a systemised approach to developing an individualised program.
Emphasis is on biochemical individuality and genetic uniqueness within the context of the 4 factors.

Sign up to a free Discovery Call to make sure Dr. Matt le Roux is the right fit for you
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Book a free call with one of our experts to see if we’re the right fit to partner with on your health journey.
When was the last time you felt great?
Functional Medicine is an integrative, science-based approach that focuses on overcoming and preventing chronic illness by addressing root causes. We help our patients resolve chronic conditions that keep them from living their best life
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